For those looking to build a cohesive and consistent brand presence & grow their business.
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I'm Ali Rae and I love building brands.
So let's build that business one blog post at a time.
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Let's whip that brand into shape!
How many years in a row can I say, “Wow, that was a doozy”? The answer: at least one more. Because damn if 2023 didn’t throw me a few more curve balls.
The biggest change of 2023? I no longer introduce myself as a wedding photographer! Instead, I introduce myself as a brand photographer and developer. What does that actually mean? Well, I help small business owners develop a consistent brand across all client touch points, both online and in-person. I do this by doing a deep dive into their business and the existing brand presence. Then I take their goals and bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be.
Often times, throughout the brand analysis/audit process, they find they are in need of updated brand imagery, and I am able to serve them in that way as well.
Overall, it’s been a giant transition making the shift to solely serving other business owners from serving brides and grooms. The B2B marketing scene is so different than the B2C that I felt like I had just mastered. Although it’s been challenging, I am always up for learning something new!
Have you heard about ESC Conference? If not, where ya been?!
My friend and now co-founder, Kassie, and I decided to take on a new entrepreneurial venture that yet again pours into the businesses of others. This idea started last January when we decided to go on a goal planning retreat to Florida. While we were there, we were both going through major transitions in our business and were looking for educational resources to learn how to grow. We realized there were a ton of resources for the new business owner and quite a few for the established, multi-6-figure/7-figure business owner…but there was a huge lack of resources for that middle, growth-stage entrepreneur. We had burning questions (not the “how do you avoid burnout?” BS) about growing–hiring, taxes, the boring shit that doesn’t get the notoriety it needs.
So instead of continuing to exhaust the search that wasn’t turning up any results…we decided to make what we needed instead. And then the ESC Conference was born!
It is all-inclusive.
The education is hard hitting.
It is a small group, almost retreat type of feel.
All the speakers and the attendees stay under one roof.
It is different than any other entrepreneurial educational experience that is currently offered.
And it is set to take place in Louisville, KY at The Bungalou from April 15-18 with C H E V A L as our keynote speaker!
If you’re a product- OR service-based creative entrepreneur who is in their growth stage, we would love to welcome you to the conference with open arms. Let’s build our businesses while escaping the BS of the current entrepreneurial education landscape.
One unexpected way I have been marketing my business this year is through guest recording on podcasts! I have had a few really incredible experiences with being interviewed on podcasts about my businesses, their growth, the journey, and all that!
Here are a few from this year:
Ditch the Classroom Podcast by Ariana Vernier – Teacher Turned Photographer with Ali Rae Haney
The Heartled Entrepreneur Podcast by Ankita Terrell – Your Past Does Not Define Your Future
Side Checks Podcast by Amy Schmidt – The Path to Starting an Airbnb Hustle
2024 has a few more podcast interviews set to go live in the new year. Those are mostly surrounding the ESC Conference and are interviews with Kassie as well. They are so, so good!
Also, I announced the upcoming launch of my podcast in early 2024. Still unnamed, but being worked on behind the scenes…as you read this very blog post. 😏
2023 was a year full of Airbnb hosting here on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. We hosted a total of 25 families this year! They visited for a multitude of reasons–celebrating birthdays and holidays to basketball tournaments for the kids to just exploring the Bourbon Trail and catching up with old friends!
If you’d like to take a peek at our Airbnb listing or come visit us right outside of Louisville, please do!
The Kentucky property is currently on the market as well, so we have been navigating that amidst the short-term rentals. If you know of anyone who is interested in a beautiful estate in central Kentucky, send them our way!
Many are asking what is in store for our future and the truth is: We don’t know. It’s a little bit of a scary place to be, but also exciting, I guess?!
Our background as a military family who moved quite a bit in the first few years of our marriage led us to have a really relaxed attitude around big moves and new experiences. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t ready to be settled in one place for longer than three years for the first time since…high school.
Stay tuned for big business moves in 2024!
Let's talk business.
I do brand case studies...for fun.
© 2025 ali rae haney productions, llc. all rights reserved. privacy policy. site by Ali Rae Haney + Showit
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